College and Career Center

Located in the Guidance Office, our College & Career Center contains information and resources on two- and four-year colleges, SAT and ACT testing, vocational and technical schools, financial aid, scholarships, and civilian and military careers.

Professional School Counselor and Graduation Coach Directory

Carla Slaughter, College and Career Specialist
(757) 928-6100 x.17539
Office Hours: Mon, Tue, Thu, 8am-2pm; Wed 7:30am-3pm

Additional information, procedures, and applications may be found in the Guidance Office. Scholarships are filed alphabetically by name. Do not wait until scholarship deadline to request transcript; five (5) working days must be allowed for processing of transcripts.

Planning for College

College Admissions Timeline

Planning Resources

Choosing a College

College Athletics

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Starting on October 1st of their senior year, students and parents can begin their FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).  All students who plan to attend college, whether 2- or 4-year, vocational or technical, need to complete a FAFSA.  Remember to check the priority deadline for each college to which you are applying.  Apply early so that you can receive the maximum funds available to you.

Planning for a Career

Career Assessments

  • Virginia Education Wizard - Students can take interest, skills, and values assessments. The Wizard contains a number of tools to help users explore careers, plan education, pay for college and much more. There are also Parent Resources available to assist parents with planning for their children's education. Students can take the assessment on-line at home or in the College and Career Center.

  • ASVAB Career Exploration Program - This is a comprehensive career planning program that includes a multiple-aptitude test battery, an interest inventory, and various career planning tools. This assessment measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success i military. The ASVAB is offered at Heritage High School each year.

Career Exploration

Apprenticeships and Vocational Training

Apprenticeship Programs

Newport News Shipbuilding: The Apprentice School

New Horizons Center for Apprenticeship and Adult Training - Provides Apprenticeship related instruction for the VA Community College System and works closely with the Department of Labor.

Learn about and find apprenticeships near you!

Workforce Development Programs

Virginia Peninsula Community College (VPCC) Workforce Development Programs - Quality training specifically designed to meet the changing technical requirements for today's jobs. Opportunities include accelerated workforce training, certification programs, and on-line classes. Often programs can be completed in as little as a few weeks or months depending o program. (Please note: Workforce Development Programs are not eligible for Federal Student Aid.)

New Horizons Center for Apprenticeship & Adult Training:

Available training programs include:

  • Automotive Technology
  • Barbering & Cosmetology
  • Construction Technology
  • Cybersecurity
  • Electrical Technology
  • Healthcare & Healthcare Administration
  • HVAC
  • Plumbing
  • Welding